InstaGenius discount

[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

What is InstaGenius?

InstaGenius by Cindy Donovan is the ultimate software for making more profits and building targeted lists on your blog – 100% handsfree by instantly adds and automated sales assistant onto your pages, priming your audience and closing sales for you. InstaGenius helps you have more customers and close a deal faster than normal. With this amazing software, you can stand a good chance of getting ahead of others in terms of email marketing. This is a brand new plugin that will completely automate your email marketing and create truly passive income for you in just minutes!

[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review

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[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

Why should you grab InstaGenius?

InstaGenius comes with:

  • Easy To Use Admin Dashboard

  • Quick and Simple Setup

  • 100% Newbie Friendly

  • Prewritten, Customisable Email Templates

  • Choose How Many Followup Emails Are Sent

  • Select Number of Products Shown In Followups

  • Unsubscibe/Subscribe Function (CAN-SPAM Compliant)

  • Shortcodes In Emails For More Flexibility

  • Easy Autoresponder Integration which works with :

  • Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp, ConstantContact

  • Complete Automation After 5min Setup

For anyone who wants eCom sales shortcut and hands-free affiliate income streams with Amazon, you are in the right place. Imagine being able to build an email list of people who tell you exactly what they want. Then, what if you could automate the whole process, including emailing them the moment the product they want goes on sale. Yes, InstaGenius will do those all for you! This is a plugin which is so powerful that it can actually TRACKS the items for them and automatically tells them when it is a good time to buy. You will we able not only to save them money but also get commissions!

Amazon Marketing Which Is True WIN! WIN! WIN!

Let’s see…

Customer WINS → Your website visitor will get the products they want at a discount price

Amazon WINS → Amazon exactly makes a bunch of sales they might have lost before

YOU WIN → Earning more commissions and leads without lifting a finger!

Now you can use a WordPress plugin which does it all for you, making Amazon commissions for you easier than you ever dreamed possible.

InstaGenius gives online shoppers exactly what they really want – THE ULTIMATE BARGAIN!

This software allows you help all of them with exactly what they want at a price they can afford, building your list and earning you commissions in the process. It provides you:

  • Targeted Buyer Leads in ANY niche that you choose.

  • Amazon Sales, days months and years after they visit your site.

  • Email Followups – no writing required, automatically sell more.

  • 100% Handsfree and Newbie Friendly using the setup wizard provided there.

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[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

How to use InstaGenius?

InstaGenius is the “Genius WordPress Plugin” which DOES the selling for you! The following are how it works:

Step 01 : Install and activate the WordPress Plugin

Step 02 : Connect your Amazon account and autoresponder

Step 03 : Choose Attention Image and where you want it show

This is all you need to do, EVER!

What are you getting inside InstaGenius?

When a visitor clicks on your image, a popup like this will display.

[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

  • Your Logo : Put your own logo there

  • Azon Regions : Connect multiple Amazon accounts to automatically offer a more tailored experience (this is optional)

  • Buyer Advice : Increased urgency and stickability

  • Azon Search : Searches happen in real time with prices and also details pulled from Amazon

  • 90 Day Cookie : Clicking ‘Add to Cart’ takes user to Amazon add dropping your affiliate cookie.

  • Suggestions : Displays most recent searches your visitors have done on your site, for easier niche targeting

  • Load More : Pulls in even more Amazon products with your affiliate ID for their targeted search term

Every click will make you money, as your OWN visitors create their own ads right before their eyes! Why? Because every search your website visitors make on this popup will display targeted Amazon products with YOUR affiliate ID added in.

When they click on “Add to Cart” you will be cookied for ALL Amazon sales from that customer in the next 90 days.

As you have seen, the buyer advice can nudge them closer to a buying decision too, that you will understand is pretty powerful. Thus, where is all the hype? There have been plugins which add targeted Amazon products to your site before. How is this different from them? Just wait to see what this innocent looking ‘Add to Bargain Watch List’ can do for you!

Add To Bargain Watch List” truly does a COMPLETE FIRST FOR WORDPRESS!

When the website visitor clicks on it, this is what will happen:

If they are new to your site, a pop up with an email form asking for them to subscriber to free price alerts will show up. When they add their email address, it then creates an account in your WordPress site for the future magic. You can also connect your own autoreponder account and have them automatically added to your mailing list too.

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[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

If they are already registered (or they just added their email): The “Add To Bargain Watch List” will change to say “Subscribed”

[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

Once they are subscribed this Intelligent plugin goes to work for you – Tracking Prices Sending Price Drop Emails Closing Sales

When the price drops at Amazon, your commissions will instantly start flooding in 100% Automatically for an unlimited number of monitored products to an unlimited number of bargain hungry subscribers! It exactly gives them what they want, at a price they are excited to pay and offering extra suggestions too!

What bonuses will you get from InstaGenius?

If you act now, these three software tools will be yours. It make eCommerce and Amazon Affiliate income a piece of cake even if you have never made a cent online!

Bonus 01 → FOUNDATION : Genius Store Builder Premium WordPress Theme[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

Bonus 02 → AUTO CONTENT : Genius Store Content Plugin

[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

Bonus 03 → AUTOMATED LEAD GEN & SALES : InstaGenius Plugin

[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

Here is what you get:

  • Unlilmited, Multi-Site Licenses

  • Personal or Client Sites (Developers License)

  • + Get FREE Updates for LIFE

  • Full Automation After Easy Setup

  • 30-Day Hassle Free Guarantee

InstaGenius is your ULTIMATE ONE-CLICK, 100% Automated Customer Finding, Sales Closing, Upselling, List Building Machine! You will be also protected with 100% Money Back Guarantee.

So, what are you waiting for?

Get InstaGenius Today!

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[DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!] Cindy Donovan’s InstaGenius Review : New Opportunity That Discovers Your Visitors Wants And Turns Them Into Needs With Offer They Cannot Refuse Or Ignore

[DON’T BUY BEFORE YOU READ!] ** Commission Gorilla V2 Standard Account By Promote Labs Inc Review : The Secret Tool That Boosts Your Commissions Up To 5x More While Cutting Your Workload To Shreds!

Author: Puji Parwati

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